PLDC 2018

 PLDC 2018
The Call for Papers for PLDC 2018 is now open from 15. December, 2017 until 17. January, 2018.

This Call for Papers addresses both experienced practising professional lighting designers as well as the new generation of lighting professionals, plus dedicated researchers and educators, industry representatives and professionals from related disciplines whose work affects and involves professional lighting designers. PLDC is an educational event which encourages lighting professionals to share their insight and know-how, and where even the most skilled masters of the art can learn from newcomers.

The conference format has been adjusted for the two-day edition of PLDC in Singapore.
There will be two tracks running parallel per day with four topics in total:
Professional Practice Issues,
Hospitality Lighting, IoDT − Internet of Design Things,
and Experiential Environments.


As an addition to the conference papers, the organisers will again offer Experience Rooms / Spaces. These rooms will invite and encourage attendees to actively experience light (and darkness) through different topics of interest to gain first-hand information, benefit educationally, and add to their personal and professional values and preferences when it comes to light and space. Proposed Experience Rooms will also need to go through the Call for Papers and be evaluated by the independent paper reviewing committee.

All submissions will be blind-reviewed by three independent lighting experts and professionals from the lighting design community. The final list of speakers and topics will be published early in 2018.

See the full Call for Papers here and submit your paper at

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Tel: +49 | 5241 | 30726-0

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