General dispositions.


    The provisions of this Code of Ethics are „internal law” and will be respected by all members, individuals or legal entities, employees, collaborators and volunteers of the Association, throughout the engagement, both in the country and abroad.


Through this Code of Ethics, we, the members of the A.R.I., consolidate the basis for maintaining and further developing the sense of mutual trust.


Throughout the activity, members of the Association will take into account that the prosperity and development of A.R.I. Are based, to a large extent, on the trust that it inspires for its associates, members, customers and business partners.


The procedural framework will be permanently reviewed and improved whenever necessary or every 2 years and can be modified in accordance with the A.R.I. , With suggestions from the lighting community, as well as with the national and international situation in the field of management and quality assurance in the field of public lighting.


Being a Code of Ethics and Conduct, the document combines the affirmation of some values ​​and principles applicable to the field of lighting by laying down procedural provisions designed to create a conducive environment for activities and to provide a system of appreciation, correction, contestation and sanctioning of situations Deviation from the values ​​and principles stipulated.


Failure to comply with this Code of Ethics may result in the revocation of the members following the analysis of the Ethics Commission and the Review of Behavior, the Board of Directors and the approval of the General Assembly of the Association.



Vision and Purpose



As lighting professionals, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable.


We set high standards for ourselves and we want them to be met in all aspects of our lives – at work, at home, in the community, and in the sphere of services provided through our profession in ARI.


This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes the expectations we have of ourselves and of our colleagues, practitioners in the Romanian lighting industry. This articulates the ideals we aspire to, as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.


The purpose of this Code is to inspire confidence in the profession of lighting specialist and to help anyone interested in becoming a better practitioner. We do this by establishing a broader understanding of the appropriate behavior in this profession.


We believe that the reputation and credibility of the lighting specialist is formed by the collective behavior of individual practitioners.


Moreover, we believe that by adopting this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct we can advance in our profession, both individually and collectively. We also believe that this Code will help us in making wise decisions, especially when we face difficult situations in which we may be asked to compromise our integrity or our values.


Our hope is that this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will serve as a catalyst for others in the process of studying, debating and writing about ethics and values. In addition, we hope that this code will eventually be used as the basis for the development and evolution of our profession.


1.2. Individuals to whom the Code applies


The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to:

1.2.1 All ARI members

1.2.2 Persons who are not ARI members but fulfill one or more of the following criteria:

  1. A) Non-members who have a professional certification in lighting obtained with the support or under ARI organization / patronage
  2. B) Non-members who apply for starting a process of professional certification in lighting that will be obtained with the support or under the organization / patronage ARI
  3. C) Non-members serving ARI as a volunteer.


Structure of the Code



The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is divided into sections that contain conduct norms that are aligned with the four values ​​that have been identified as most important to the community of lighting professionals.


Some sections of this Code include comments. Comments are not mandatory parts of this Code but provide examples and other clarifications.


Finally, a glossary can be found at the end of the standard. The glossary defines words and phrases used in the Code.




Values ​​supporting this Code – subject of the questionnaire



Practitioners in the national community of lighting professionals have been asked to identify the values ​​underlying decision-making and guiding their actions. The values ​​that this community has defined as the most important were: responsibility, respect, fairness and honesty. The code states these four values ​​as the foundation of this community.


1.5. Aspiration and compulsion


Each section of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct includes both aspirational standards and mandatory standards.


Aspirational standards describe the behavior that we strive to support as practitioners. Although compliance with the aspirational standards is not easy to measure, our conduct in agreement with them is a quest that we have about ourselves as professionals and is not optional.


Mandatory standards set firm requirements and, in some cases, limit or prohibit a particular behavior of the practitioner.


Practitioners who do not behave in accordance with these standards will be subject to disciplinary proceedings before the Ethics Committee and the Review of the AIR behavior.


Comment: Behavior in accordance with aspirational standards and conduct governed by mandatory standards is not mutually exclusive; thus, a specific action or omission could violate both aspirational and mandatory standards.


1.6. Fundamental ethical principles


    The principles that govern the relationship between the members of the Association and which underpin the support of the common interests are the basic principles of business ethics that correspond to good practice in national and international economic and trade relations are widely recognized in the world beyond the boundaries of professions: confidentiality, transparency, loyalty and solidarity, justice and equity.






2.1 Description of the notion of Responsibility


We understand by Responsibility the duty of each of us to assume our own decisions or indecision, the actions we take or not, and the resulting consequences.

2.2 Responsibility: aspiration standard

As practitioners in the national community of lighting professionals:

2.2.1 We make decisions and measures based on the best and most legitimate interests of society, public safety and the environment.

2.2.2 We accept only those tasks that are consistent with our core training, experience, proven skills and attested qualifications.



In the case of organizational development tasks or situations requiring flexibility in thinking and action, we will ensure that stakeholders get timely and clear information about the gaps in our qualifications so they can take informed decisions about our employment as a human resource in one activity or another.


In the case of a contractual situation, we will only contract that activity / work that our organization is qualified to perform / assign and we will only assign as human resources those who are qualified to perform the contracted works.



2.2.3 We meet the commitments we make; in other words, we do what we say that we will do and document this.

2.2.4 In the event that we discover errors or omissions in our work, we will assume them and promptly make the necessary corrections with their documentation. We accept liability / liability for any issue, result or consequences arising from errors or omissions caused by us.


When we uncover certain errors or omissions caused by others, we tell the authority the appropriate decision as soon as possible from the moment of discovery.

2.2.5 We protect sensitive or confidential information that has been entrusted to us without conflicting with specific legal provisions.

2.2.6 We support and encourage the solidarity of lighting specialists in order to achieve the highest common professional goals. Strengthening this principle could help generate the identity of this community.


2.2.7 We jointly support this Code and respond to its provisions on a reciprocal basis.

2.3 Responsibility: mandatory standard

As practitioners in the national community of lighting professionals, we will fully respect the regulations and requirements of Romanian and European legislation. In this regard, we claim from ourselves and our colleagues, lighting practitioners, the following:


2.3.1 We inform you about the policies, rules, regulations and laws that govern our work professionally and we strictly adhere to them


2.3.2.We are not aware of the legal framework governing volunteer activities that we support in accordance with the ARI statute


2.3.3 We have a common responsibility to maintain high standards of competence in the interest of the Association, the lighting community and consumers.


As teachers or trainers, we recognize the fundamental obligation to help others acquire skills and knowledge. We will always maintain high standards of training, presenting the information in an objective, fully and accurately documented manner.


As researchers, we accept responsibility for selecting research themes and methods used in investigation, analysis and reporting. We will plan research to minimize the possibility that data (research results) are misleading.


2.3.4 From the perspective of confidentiality, we assume the following responsibilities:


– we will not communicate, directly or indirectly, any confidential information about the Association’s activities or personal evaluation data about its members, employees, collaborators, or volunteers


– we take precautionary measures regarding the disposal and storage of information in order to maintain confidentiality.


The confidentiality principle limits appear in the following cases:


  1. A) interested parties have given permission;
  2. B) confidentiality is required by law;
  3. C) the information reveals a real risk;
  4. D) information is used anonymously in the professional community for instructional purpose or exchange of experience.

2.3.5 Through personal and professional responsibility, we encourage cultural and intellectual diversity, as well as the individuality of experiences.

2.3.6 If there is certainty of ethical or illegal conduct or corrupted inappropriate management, we report this event to the Ethics Committee and the review of the AII’s behavior and, if necessary, affected parties and those empowered to take appropriate action .



These provisions have several implications:


Specifically, it is forbidden for any lighting professional to engage in any illegal behavior, including, but not limited to, theft, fraud, corruption, embezzlement or bribery.


In addition, a lighting specialist does not claim, take, and / or misuse the property of others, including intellectual property.


We do not engage in slander, extortion, extortion, aggression, vendetta, or the like.

As practitioners and representatives of our profession, we will not overlook and encourage the engagement of others in illegal or antisocial behavior.


Reporting of unlawful or unethical behavior is not easy and we recognize that it could have serious, negative consequences. Because many corporations are scandalous, there are a number of organizations that have adopted employee protection policies that reveal the truth about illegal or unethical activities. Also, some governments are adopting legislation to protect employees who reveal the truth about inappropriate behavior or management.



Ethics of Complaints

2.3.4 We bring to the attention of the Ethics and Review Board of ARIs any violations of this Code.

2.3.5 We make complaints about ethics and professional conduct only in certain situations where they are justified by clearly documented facts.




These provisions have several implications:




We will cooperate with the Ethics Commission and review of AII’s behavior regarding ethical violations and the collection of information related to the case in which we have the position of plaintiff or accused / defendant.

We will refrain from accusing others of ethical deviations, as long as we do not show ethical behavior through all facts

The Code of Ethics and Behavioral Review Commission will conduct disciplinary action against persons who knowingly make false accusations against others. Throughout the examination of the dispute, the commission has the obligation to ensure confidentiality and to refrain from disclosing the data it acquires in the performance of its tasks without the authorization of the parties.




2.3.6 We are pursuing disciplinary action against an individual who takes revenge on an ethical person.






3.1 Description of the Respect concept

We believe that we have the duty to show Respect for ourselves, for others as well as for the resources and information that have been entrusted to us. Resource resources can be understood as means of work, money, people, reputation, safety of others, natural or environmental resources, access to information, others.

An environment of respect generates trust, performance and even excellence through mutual promotion of cooperation. Respect, in our understanding, assumes that the various perspectives and points of view are encouraged and appreciated.

3.2 Respect: aspiration standard

As practitioners in the Romanian and global community of lighting specialists:

3.2.1 We inform ourselves of the norms, habits and behaviors of other organizations and individuals, avoiding involvement in behaviors that may be considered unreasonable.

3.2.2 We listen to the views of others (individuals or organizations), seeking to understand them.

3.2.3 We seek to smooth out the asperities of communication and to generate a calm and respectful environment with those with whom we have a conflict or disagree.

3.2.4 We behave in a professional way, even when the appreciation is not reciprocal, or the views on a subject are different or even divergent.


3.2.5 We also respect other sources of education, training and experience than those we have received.



Comments: An implication of these desiderata is that we will avoid engaging in gossip and people’s judgments or in producing negative remarks in order to undermine

Reputation of a person.


We also have a duty under this Code to confront us calmly and openly with other people engaging in these types of behaviors in terms of counseling, counseling, providing examples of good practice to stop such a attitude.



3.3 Respect: mandatory standard

As practitioners in the Romanian and global community of lighting specialists, we need the following constraints from ourselves as well as from our fellow practitioners:

3.3.1 We respect the Association’s Statute and Rules to which we support our strategic objectives and plan


3.3.2 A.R.I members will show mutual respect in any situation of professional interaction


3.3.2 We always negotiate in good faith.

3.3.3 We will not exercise our expertise or position in the ARI or other organization to influence the decisions or actions of others for our personal benefit at their expense.

3.3.4 We do not act abusively against others.

3.3.5 We respect the ownership rights of others, including intellectual property rights


3.3.6 We oppose, discourage and denounce any form of harassment (position, sexuality, etc.)


3.3.7 We recognize the need for continuous education and personal development and are open to new procedures and changes in expectations and values ​​over time







4.1 Description of the Fairness concept

We understand through our fairness our duty to make decisions and to act impartially and objectively. Our behavior must be free to compete with our own interest, not to produce any kind of favoritism, and to bring no harm to anyone.

4.2 Correctness: aspiration standard

4.2.1 Demonstrate transparency in the decision-making process.

4.2.2 We constantly review our position of impartiality and objectivity and take corrective action as appropriate.





Research conducted with practitioners from several professional fields has indicated that the subject of conflicts of interest is one of the most challenging of the professional environment. Thus, one of the biggest problems is the failure to recognize the occurrence or existence of a conflict of interest or loyalty, or the accidental placement of ourselves or others in a conflict of interest.


We, as practitioners, have to actively seek and help each other to recognize and highlight real or potential conflicts of interest, insisting that they be resolved.


4.2.3 We provide equal access to information for those who are authorized to have access to them (authorities, the general public, lighting professionals, or neighboring countries interested in lighting).

4.2.4 We offer equally available opportunities for all the qualified professionals we are addressing: lighting professionals to become ARI members to inform and / or improve.

Comment: An implication of these provisions is that, in the case of a procurement process, we offer equal access to information to the authorities during the bidding process


4.3 Fairness: mandatory standard

As practitioners in the Romanian community of lighting specialists, we need the following from ourselves and from our colleagues:


Concerning conflict of interest:

4.3.1 We have a proactive attitude and we fully and timely disclose any real or potential conflict of interest for the relevant stakeholders.

4.3.2 When we realize the existence of a real or potential conflict of interest, we abstain from participating in any decision-making process and from any attempt to influence the results, except when:


– we have completely clarified our position for affected stakeholders;


– we have a contingency or mitigation plan approved by stakeholders;


– we have obtained the consent of the stakeholders to continue the process.





A conflict of interest occurs when we are in a position to influence decisions or other results on behalf of a stakeholder in a particular situation / event / action / project when such decisions or outcomes could affect one or more parties with which have competing loyalty interests.


For example, when acting as an employee, we have a duty of loyalty to our employer. When we are an ARI volunteer, we have a duty of loyalty to this volunteer project towards this organization. We must recognize these divergent interests and refrain from influencing decisions when we have evidence of a conflict of interest.


Moreover, even if we have the belief that we can maintain our loyalty in situations of divided, conflicting interests and make unbiased decisions, we will treat a conflict of interest as a real conflict of interest and comply with the provisions described in this Code.



Concerning Favoritism, Discrimination and Corruption:

4.3.3 We do not hire or dismiss ourselves or favor employment or dismissal, reward or punishment, nor do we sign or reject contracts based on personal considerations, including but not limited to: favoritism, nepotism or bribery.

4.3.4 We do not discriminate against any person regardless of the criterion, including but not limited to: gender, race, age, religion, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, political or other beliefs. We offer and encourage equality of opportunity in terms of access to educational programs, studies, scholarships, employment.

4.3.5 We apply the organizational rules to which we have agreed (employers, ARI or any other group in the professional lighting market) without favoritism and without any form of moral or material damage.


4.3.6 We recognize corruption as a redundant social disease leading to unfair treatment, injustice, favoritism, mistrust of values ​​and skills. This is why we prevent and combat this scourge by all available means








5.1 Description of the Honesty concept

Honesty is our duty to understand the truth and to act in a veritable way, both in our communications and in our way of behaving.


5.2 Honesty: aspiration standard

5.2.1 We truly seek the understanding of the truth in every situation.

5.2.2 We are sincere in our communications and conduct.

5.2.3 We provide accurate, reliable, timely information.



An implication of these provisions is that we will take all appropriate measures to ensure that the information underlying our decisions or which we provide to others is accurate, relevant, accurate and timely.

This also includes situations that require the courage to share bad news, even if it may be poorly received or unsupported.


Also, when the results we get are negative, we will avoid „burying” or hiding information or blaming other people.


When the results are positive, we will avoid taking credit for the achievements of others.


These provisions reinforce our commitment to being both sincere and responsible.

5.2.4 We make commitments and promises, implied or explicit, in good faith.

5.2.5 We strive to create an environment in which others feel safe to say and uphold the truth.


5.3 Honesty: mandatory standard

5.3.1 We always present accurately our own competence, the education received, the training and the experience gained. We will never distort and we will not misinterpret aspects of these personal qualities.


5.3.2 We do not behave in a manner intended to deceive others, including but not limited to: misleading or false statements, the assertion of half truths, the provision of fractured information from the context, or the retention of information that, if known, Would describe our statements as misleading or incomplete.

5.3.3 We do not engage in dishonest behavior with the intention of gaining personal gains at the expense, resources and effort of others.


5.3.4 We will use our membership as a means of professional development and we will not promote this quality as a guarantee of the level of professionalism of our services




Aspirational standards urge us to be honest, trustworthy. The halves of truths and the concealment of information in order to mislead interested parties are behaviors as unprofessional as false or misinterpretations of false statements.


Our permanent concern is to develop our credibility by providing complete and accurate information.


APPENDIX – Glossary


ARI (Romanian Association for Lighting) – All the individuals and legal entities that make up it, including its committees and committees, as well as specific interest groups.


ARI – sponsored activities – Activities including but not limited to: participation of an ARI Advisory Board member, a committee or research and development team for guides and standards or another ARI working group. Also included are activities undertaken under the auspices of educational and / or cultural components.



Abusive Behavior – Conduct that leads to physical injuries or creates intense feelings of fear, humiliation, manipulation or exploitation of one person by another.

Conflict of Interest – A situation that occurs when a lighting specialist is faced with a decision or acts in the sense of gaining personal benefits or for another person or organization to which the specialist concerned has a duty of loyalty and, in At the same time, his or her decision or action will affect another person or organization to whom they owe similar loyalty. The only way for the lighting specialist to pay for conflicting debts is to present the conflict to those affected by allowing them to make informed decisions about how the specialist should do.

Loyalty Loyalty – Obligation and responsibility of a person, moral or legal, to promote the best interests of an organization or other persons with whom they are affiliated.

ARI Member – A person who voluntarily joined ARI as a member.

Practitioner – A person engaged in an activity specific to the lighting industry as part of the profession of lighting specialist.



Volunteer ARI – A person participating in ARI-sponsored activities, whether or not an ARI member.